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Alvin Volunteer Fire Department,Brazoria County, originally formed in 1893, pledges to protect life, property, and to respond to other emergencies.

This department is made up of 2 paid support staff and 60 volunteers, with the volunteers being partially city and partially county residents. The Alvin Volunteer Fire Department protects 50,000 people living in an area of 100 square miles throughout the Alvin area including portions of Brazoria County. The department has 60 men and women professional volunteers. They are state certified with an authorized manning level of 65 members. The department also sponsors auxiliary groups of men and women plus a Junior Fire Department for youths between the ages of 12 and 18.

There are two fire stations located in the City. Station #1 is located at 302 West House Street, phone: (281) 331-7688. Station #2 is located at 110 Medic Lane, Phone: (281) 585-8536 and a third station on the corner of F.M. 1462 and Rowan Burton that is opened in 2004.

Contact information:
Alvin Volunteer Fire Department,
302 West House Street,
Alvin, Texas 77511.
Phone: (281) 331-7688.


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